Sunday, April 15, 2007

Signs of Spring?

Folks around here (including myself) are getting a bit upset with the state of April weather... overcast... cold... snow most every night even though it melts during the day... (not to mention the mouse situation in some households!)...

One good - no GREAT - thing is that the fresh fish truck has returned to the Village Green on Saturday mornings. He gets there at 9:00. I got there at 9:05 and you can see I was not the first in line. He is appreciated! Two (or is it three?) hours of selling cold fish on a cold day out of a cold truck - not a job for everyone.

So... in spite of it being in the 30's,
and damp...
and cold...
and taking an hour for the charcoal to get hot enough to cook on...
we had wonderful grilled FRESH fish for dinner.

This morning we, of course, woke up to the scene to our left. Okay, so it is beautiful but we're ready for a different sort of beauty now. It is April after all.

Perhaps we shouldn't complain too strongly - the weather person is saying we can expect another one to two feet of the white stuff overnight. Maybe the schools will have a snow day.
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