Monday, April 16, 2007


Need I say more?

The good news is...

- it's mostly stopped
- spring snows are GREAT for the garden as they melt slowly into the ground taking all those good nutrients from rotting leaves etc. with it - known as "poor man's fertilizer"
- John listened to me (if you can believe that!) and moved the snow blower last night (before the snow came) from the shed far away from the driveway, to the driveway. It also gave him a chance to put some air in that flat tire on the tractor...
- The tire did NOT go flat again overnight (wonder of wonders!)
- the squirrels have stayed away from the feeder all day, much to the delight of the birds
- and, the best news of all.... it's supposed to get warmer every day this week ending up with 60 degrees and SUNSHINE (I've already cleaned my sunglasses in preparation) on Sunday!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE, including those without electricity, are feeling better about things!
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