Sunday, February 04, 2007

Bicentennial Celebrations

Today was our town's BIG kickoff celebration for its bicentennial. The photos tell you how hardy the folks from Lebanon are. Most communities would NEVER even consider having a chicken BBQ in February but our most hardy were there at 6 AM building the fire. (John is NOT a native and was NOT among them. He just ventured down to take photos.) It should be noted the temperature at 6 was below zero with a breeze. In this photo around 1:00, they're just beginning to take the chicken off and it was DELICIOUS!!! They did 175 halves and we sold every one. (You might note in the photo there's still snow on the ground next to the grill - temp only got up to 5 - no wonder the guys still have their hoods up! Also note the bottle sitting on the block behind the guy to the right. That is or was blackberry brandy...)

Not to be outdone, one of our local teams of horses came with a wagon to give rides to the adventurous. (The high was 10 with a nice breeze.) Fun seekers were more than happy to come inside after their "refreshing ride" for chicken dinners, homemade desserts and all the ice cream they could eat. Speaking of desserts... there was a contest so of course, in the spirit of things, I had to enter something. I won first prize in the historic category. (I haven't been able to decide yet if that was an honor or not... By the way, it was an apple pie.)

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