Friday, February 02, 2007

Our own version of Punxsutawney Phil...

In case you missed it, today was Groundhog's Day. The forecast was for overcast skies - always a good sign since in upstate NY that means ONLY another 6 weeks of winter instead of at LEAST 6 more weeks of winter.

Daybreak comes and I'm awakened to... sniff, sniff - is that skunk or do John & I REALLY need to brush our teeth? The odor was there again on our walk this morning - sent the groundhog back into his hole I'm sure.

I always thought skunks hibernated until a skunk came and ate seeds under our bird feeder most of one winter. I was always careful to make sure he wasn't there when I let the dog out until... You guessed it! I let the dog out without looking. Just as I remembered, Red was getting sprayed in the face. NOT FUN!!!! especially in February!!! A fan of the internet, I immediately went to the computer to do some research (and avoid dealing with the Red who was busy burying his nose in the snow.) "Douche" they said (on not in) so I called John to stop at the store. John's dilemma? What scent to choose. Poor Red ended up smelling of "Spring Flowers" with a slight under-aroma of skunk the rest of the winter. We were ALL glad for spring that year!!!

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