Monday, February 05, 2007

Snow, wind, cold...

It's winter up here! (If I only knew how to turn that ! upside down - "up" excitement is not quite what I'm trying to convey here.)
The good news is that we're in this magical little spot where we're still measuring the snow in inches rather than feet - that's reserved this time around for Buffalo and the Tug Hill Plateau. However, we are among those who can count the temperature on their fingers (one hand, please, and make it heavily gloved). The minus numbers are counted on one's toes. And the wind continues to howl making New Year's resolution walks out of the question.

However, the Colgate U. pool is still heated and available and we can paddle about thinking of warmer times and places even if we do have to tread through the cold to return home. And, of course our weathermen (they do seem to be all men up here) LOVE being the center of attention. They wouldn't trade their location with Hawaii for anything in the world - too boring. We, on the other hand, after complaining about NOT having winter, are only too ready for "boring" to return.

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