Sunday, September 17, 2006


Is your basement like ours? It tends to accumulate stuff that, a week from when you put it there, you wonder why on earth you wanted to keep THAT! Anyway, fall is here which means winter is not far behind which means the space where we used to keep firewood in the basement had to be "found" again. After filling up the back of the truck with odds & ends to take to the dump, we're almost ready.

We have an OLD stone basement, older than our house which was built somewhere around 1820. Anyway, we always assumed it was older until someone in Earlville decided to build his house first, then add the basement, thus shedding doubt on our own basement's age. Unfortunately, the person in Earlville didn't understand exactly how to keep the house in the air while he dug. The bottom line was he was lucky to have time to jump off his little backhoe and get out before the house settled into the hole. And there it's been for the last 5 years...

PS - This guy is a local contractor who perhaps is not as much in demand now as he once was. However, he did dig a "ramp" down to the bottom of the hole to get the backh0e out. It was a rental after all.

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