Monday, September 18, 2006

Country Toys

Formula for an adult play day in the country... Begin by inviting friends over to play (hopefully they’re VERY good friends so they’ll come back again). Have something exciting to do… like splitting wood.

It helps to have friends who were good at playing “pick up sticks” so when they pick up the wood from the pile that’s waiting to be split, the top pieces don’t roll down and land on someone’s foot.
Let everyone have a turn running the splitter.

If you and your playmates were good with building blocks you’ll end up with nice, neat stacks of wood when the play day is over. As you can see, some, (none of us will snitch on who they were), were better with blocks than others.

Did we have a good time? You bet! We even got to play some more at Bruce & Leigh’s before we had to give the splitter back to the rental place.

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