Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I have a GREAT mother! Although a big city gal now (Brady, Texas), she, like me, has lived most of her life in the country. Unlike me, she's a fantastic quilter. This is a new quilt she just sent - thought we might like one with fall colors for our bed. She thought right! For those of you who aren't into quilt designs, this is a log cabin quilt. And it's made with scraps (all different types of prints) - my favorite type. It's also hand quilted with a bazillion little, even stitches.

Quilting runs in my family. I have a quilt my great grandmother did and another quilted by my grandmother. My sister quilts. (My brother doesn't unless he's a closet quilter.) I have several quilts my mother did including two that I pieced the tops for and she hand quilted. Even though I've come to realize that quilting is not "my thing", I do have one more quilt in the works for our nephew, Bridge. I actually pieced it while Bridge was in high school to give to him as a graduation present. I didn't make it. Then I said I'd finish it by the time he graduated from college. I did manage to get it basted together with batting and a back in preparation for quilting. Then it was law school - surely I could manage that but he had the nerve to zip right though and finish on time - the quilt didn't. Bridge even had his 30th birthday with the quilt still waiting patiently in the drawer. Maybe this winter...

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