Monday, September 11, 2006

Nine Mile Swamp

What does one do after 30 years of saying they're got to do something? Well... hopefully they finally get around to doing it.

Ever since John & I moved to this part of New York, we have said we had to go canoeing in Nine Mile Swamp (only about 10 miles from our house). Of course it took the treat of a power line being built down the middle of it to get us there but at least now we have. It will NOT take 30 years to get us back again either.

The swamp is nine miles long (who would have guessed?!) and acts like a giant sponge. It soaks up rain and releases it to the Chenango River only when the river can handle the water load. (Dams have nothing on Nine Mile Swamp!) The Chenango is connected to the Susquehanna is connected to the Chesapeake is connected to oysters & crabs... One of the reasons some cities along this water connection were saved from flooding in June was because this swamp held the water. Nature is a marvelous thing when we don't destroy it.

Unfortunately an investment company (NYRI) wants to run a high power line down y/our swamp and beautiful valley to bring power downstate to NYC. While there are other ways of accomplishing this task, this is the "cheapest" route for them to take thus maximizing the return on their dollar. The rest of us pay the price. As we paddled enjoying the wonderful day and learning about plants & wildlife from the state environmental folks, we were encouraged to join the fight to save y/our swamp and y/our valley. It is amazing how interconnected the city and the country really are.

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