Friday, September 22, 2006

Pig Heads

What are the chances of two strangers (or should that be strange guys?) meeting on a dead end road outside Wells Bridge, NY, both wearing pig hats? Well, you've now see two. They of course "bonded" right away. It turns out Fred is the guru of repairing old wood stoves and has a million parts he's accumulated over the years. John on the other hand is not a guru but was in need to one to advise him on how to get our wood burning kitchen stove working (we have to have some place to burn all that wood we split). While Fred didn't have the grate we needed he did have parts that could be welded together. As luck would have it we were on our way to NJ to visit John's cousin John who does not have a pig hat but is a master welder. Within a half hour upon arriving, the part was welded to meet specs. Only then did the two John's stop to have a beer. We'll have to see about getting cousin John a hat of his own.

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