Thursday, December 07, 2006

Christmas Studio

Have you noticed that over the past few years everyone seems to have a "studio"? It used to be that most of us who played around with something crafty or artsy just used a table. If you were like me it was probably the kitchen table. If you were really lucky you might have had something like a sewing room (in reality the spare bedroom).

Well, this is my "winter studio". I usually keep the table in our sunspace but in the winter the sun (when it actually decides to shine) comes directly in those windows making it too bright to "work". My solution is to move my table to the "back room" where our easy chairs reside. Of course the next task is to ignore the draw those chairs have and actually do some "work".

So why do I need a studio? Well, sometimes I'm inspired to paint small folk art renditions of various scenes in the community. Plus I always "do" our Christmas card. Since our VW played so heavily in this year's adventures, it seemed this year's card should reflect that. Painting a card is the easy part... now, like you, it's finding the time to address and mail them. Don't hold your breath until you find one in the mail.

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