Saturday, December 16, 2006


Let me share with you a couple of things about this photograph taken today, the 16th of December, 2006 in upstate NY. See that green stuff in front of the barn? That's grass - green grass. It is NOT covered with snow - unusual for this time of year. We Democrats tend to think it might be related to global warning but of course if you're a Republican you know this is just a figment of our imagination. The lack of sunshine is bipartisan.

Just barely visible is the road through the field that starts in front of the house and comes up to the right through a beautiful stand of sumac and a dense assortment of brush. It's on this road I like to take my daily walk, weather permitting (meaning no snow). No ipod or podcast for me. I like to listen to nature and plan the rest of the days activities. Eight times out of 10 - just about the time I'm even with the sumac and in the "thick of thinkin'", a grouse spooks causing me to jump a mile. If you know anything about grouse you know they're almost impossible to spot in brush like this and they don't fly until you almost step on them and they're too fast to get a photo. You would think that as many times as I've been startled by them in this particular spot I would be on the alert. But, no. Guess my body thinks I need at least one good jolt a day to keep me moving.

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