Sunday, January 21, 2007

Beast Seats

Have I explained before how I REALLY dislike doing slip covers? Perhaps it's like pain - you tend to forget what it's like until you go through it again.

I am by nature a happy person. Even things like a sprained foot don't make me cry (want to pass out, maybe, but not cry). An armrest in need of a cover on the other hand... In case you don't recognize it, that's an armrest in the upright position on the side of the car seat. I agree. Compared to the rest of the seat it looks like a piece of cake. Well, four of those babies kept me occupied for over 6 hours today and (can you believe?) I still have a bit more work to do on them tomorrow. I was going to cry until I thought about how funny it was to cry over an armrest and ended up laughing instead.

The good news is the photo shows John putting in the final bolts to reinstall the driver's seat before he drove it to the shop. Just in time too. I don't think it's legal to drive a vehicle sitting in a straight chair. The passenger seat on the other hand did not make it (because of those XQZ#! armrests). Tomorrow is another day. With any luck my riping and reconstruction will be successful and I can move on to the "lesser" passenger seats. Oh lucky me!

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