Friday, January 12, 2007

Counch Potato

Just when I'm patting myself on the back for "doing the right thing" for my ankle and how well it's doing... I bump into our doctor/therapist at the pool we use. Apparently my sprain won't start to heal until the swelling goes down. He sent me home with strict orders to ice it every two hours and keep it elevated - higher than my heart. And to keep OFF it! Okay, okay...
A couch potato assignment which may sound like a dream to you but it's torture for me. I LIKE being up and about. To pass the time I've been dreaming of this year's garden and the new things I want to try... my favorite suggestion so far is fava beans. Apparently they're pretty, you can plant them when you plant your peas, they're DE-licious (the Italians particularly like them), BUT (why is there always a but?) they're a pain to prepare. Getting them out of their pod appears to be the easy part. Then you parboil them, cool and then peel the skin off EACH bean before it's edible. The article suggests inviting a friend over for drinks, then casually bringing out the bowl of beans to peel while you're talking. (I wonder how many drinks you're supposed to have before you bring them out?) If I don't have any friends left by the end of the summer you'll know how successful that was!

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