Sunday, January 14, 2007

Not rain, or sleet, or ice...

Kids are like postmen. (Or is it postpersons or perhaps postal workers?) Even though the weather outside is nasty, they're still on the go. Nothing stops them.

Coloring books, playing cards, Dr. Seuss, cartoons, hide and seek, cardboard boxes, peanut butter & jelly, a nap (for Uncle John & little Peyton). How many hours do we still have left before it's their bed time? Too many!

The four adults put their heads together and decided what was needed was a walk in the "fine Irish mist". (As LUCK would have it I still need to keep my foot up!!!) Next challenge - how to entice the boys outside. Any guesses? The answer is.... a dead deer (actually, thanks to the coyotes, just a pile of bones but who's being fussy?!) And now for our next act...

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