Monday, January 08, 2007

Big Books

Happy New Year everyone! The Guinness Twins also send you their best. Look for them around this part of New York --- they're the two that always dress alike even though they always swear they never confer on what to wear.

The weather is still warm for "up here" but the days remain distressingly short. (I much prefer the time of year when it gets dark at 10 rather than 4!) On the up side the days ARE getting longer - one of the best Christmas gifts there is. Also on the up side, the colder, shorter days mean more time for reading. Out come the BIG books that we never want to start in the summer. Who knows why? Perhaps it's just the thought of devoting that much time to reading when the outdoors beacons. Or your arms are too tired from pulling weeds to hold such heavy books. Or (and few confess to this) you're so tired from enjoying warm weather activities that you know there aren't enough summer days to finish a book at the rate of 2? pages an evening before falling asleep. This year "Texas" finally made it to the top of my reading list (a must read if you have relatives who live there and want a painless way to get a light overview of Texas history). John's about to finish "John Adams". (John Adams' daughter and her husband owned our whole valley so "we've" found it particularly interesting - my John reads me anything he thinks I shouldn't miss.) If you haven't started your BIG book yet, don't delay. This warm winter may bring us spring quicker than we think.

1 comment:

Bridge said...

YAY!!! You're back... you were greatly missed. Nice rig!!