Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A picture = how many words?

Ice on... foot up... enough said about that!

And speaking of ice, it was COLD outside this morning! 4.8 degrees BELOW zero Fahrenheit. On the plus side of negative degrees - it usually means clear skies and sunshine (something this part of the country often sees too little of in case I haven't mentioned that before). On the other hand we only have a light covering of snow. It is pretty strange when my mother & sister who live in Brady, Texas (the heart of the state) have more snow (they have 2 whole inches) than we do in New York (only a light covering).

Back to the photo... cold weather also means warmer clothes. Fur lined slipper on the left foot (my right foot at this moment was VERY envious!). And pleasure of pleasures, a sort of comfort food for the body - flannel lined jeans! I hadn't had a pair since childhood and they are WONDERFUL!!! Gone are the days when I tried (usually in vain) to be somewhat stylish. Here to stay are the days when I'm snug as a bug and setting my own style.

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