Monday, January 22, 2007

New Year's Resolution

Personally, I rarely make New Year's resolutions. The last one I made several years ago was to wash (or make sure someone did) the dishes before I went to bed for the night. I never used to do this, preferring instead to do them first thing in the morning. However, that resolution did it and I'm now reformed - a convert to clean dishes waiting for me in the a.m.

Since our dog died in the fall I've become a real slug when it comes to my daily half hour walk. Red was always VERY persuasive that I go - taking him too, of course. In lieu of a dog... a New Year's resolution. So what did I do first thing after New Year's? Sprain my foot giving my resolution a real problem. Finally, on Friday (oh my - that's 19 days into the New Year!) I enjoyed my first walk! Saturday dawned with temps in the low teens and winds howling and blowing snow. I decided that even if Red was still with us we probably would only have gotten to the end of the driveway. Yesterday? Sunny but I felt obligated to finish those beastly seats first - it was well after dark before they were done so no walk. (Have you ever heard such wimpy excuses?!) I DID walk today and it was lovely - no more excuses! How are you coming on your resolution for the year?

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