Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Doggie Day

Some days are simply more exciting for dogs (us too for that matter). If you live in the country or even in a village, there's always the possibility of a deer in your yard. Of course this deer knows our dog Red is old and won't go out of the yard so she just keeps an eye on him while enjoying the apples from the orchard across the street. Red, in turn, keeps an eye on her until she's had her fill of apples.

All that excitement called for a long morning nap (by the dog, not us!). This afternoon, just when things were beginning to look boring, a person was spotted walking by (this rarely happens since we live on a little used seasonal road). A couple of minutes later the neighbor's steers decided to go trotting by making their way back to their summer pasture. (Perhaps they know what's in store for them once they "get taken" to the barn or perhaps they just want to make sure the customer gets their money's worth when they buy that free-range cut of beef or perhaps, they too, want to believe that fall will stay with us a while longer instead of the winter snow that's in the forecast.) Nonetheless, a good bark was in order. No need to get up of course.

In for the night, Red's asleep beside the kitchen table snoring and dreaming, we're sure, of all the exciting things that could happen tomorrow. Simple pleasures. We should all take lessons.

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