Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Do know the excitement of finding something unexpected? Then you know how I felt when I spotted watercress growing near an old pond of ours. It is almost December, in NY at that, and the watercress is as green and fresh tasting as any you've ever had. I like to think it came from some plants I put there over 20 years ago but I can't guarantee it since most years I don't find any at all.
I must tell you that harvesting this particular patch of watercress was perhaps not as exciting as spotting it. Out came the green Wellies and the safety glasses. (See all those branches I had to fight to get to it?) Speaking from today's experience, I can also assure you that fleece is NOT the jacket to wear while making a path through tall weeds since it picks up every seed along the way. After picking off the worst of them, I'm hopeful the clothes dryer will do the rest. However, seedy jacket or not, I harvested enough this first trip to make me feel very healthy indeed.

How long will it be there is anyone's guess. I'm hoping it will last at least until next week so I can use it in sandwiches I was asked to bring to a tea. This has got me wondering though - how on earth did they know I had my own watercress?!!!

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