Sunday, November 05, 2006


Sunday is our day to have something other than granola or oatmeal for breakfast. This Sunday we decided to have waffles cooked in the old-fashioned cast iron waffle iron that goes on the wood stove. (I bet you're thinking how quaint aren't you? Look at John & read on...)

Last week we gave up after an hour and our first waffle was still sticking to the waffle iron. Got out the old reliable electric one to keep from starving.

This week we went at it again with renewed energy and a better seasoned waffle iron. Again it stuck. Not wanting to admit defeat (if our friend Malin can do it, we should be able to too), we removed one of the stove's surface "plates" and put the waffle iron directly over the fire. John then tried it again while I was busy cooking ALL the others in the electric waffle iron to satisfy my hunger pains. It finally worked as you can see in the photo! (Of course the effect it had on John's hair is another story...) Somehow I think this "quaint" activity may only be for those trying to loose weight.

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