Friday, November 24, 2006


They came, cooked, ate, chatted, played, slept (and will hopefully leave)...

Our gathering just before dinner - a warm sunny day with much to be thankful for.

Steve opening a bottle of wine that Terry brought. That size is know as a Methuselah.

The turkeys being trumpeted into the dining room. It was Wyatt's first turkey carving - he's just behind John. He got an A+.

After dinner a little entertainment. Strumming & singing by Pam Swan.

Then the traditional scoring of the dishes on the meal. The pumpkin caramel pie was not much to write you about but the crowd was enthusiastic about everything else.

Overall the meal rated an 8.5 (Don't ask why it looks like 8+5 instead of 8.5)

London Lizzie got the pig prize for having traveled the farthest.

A little piano playing while others snoozed in the back room (suspect that part at was common across this country.)

And many calls from friends who couldn't make it this year. We miss them all but know that some year they'll be back to join us again.

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