Friday, November 03, 2006


My cat snores. He didn't used to snore but then neither did my husband or for that matter my mother or my friends. Is this something that happens as you get older?

We have two guest rooms in our house. The bunk room, fondly known as the Adirondack Room (but that's another story), has for years been the favorite. It brought back memories of sleepovers from one's youth. Everyone scrambled to claim one of the mattresses or to juggle another spare one onto the floor because that was THE place to be for the night. Now it's a scramble to see who gets the small guest room. Should it be the person who snores the loudest? Or the person who has the most problem sleeping BECAUSE of the snoring? Or the person who got there first? These days we actually find friends opting for the most-uncomfortable sofa in the world, the space under the piano, the drafty sunspace, and, can it be true, was there a reason all the stuff from the closet floor was out in the hall?

Do I snore? Of course not! Just because I occasionally (that's VERY occasionally mind you) wake up with a throat that feels "funny". ARG!!!!

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