Thursday, January 25, 2007

My squirrel blog seems to have been a hit with you folks. First I received a picture of a white squirrel, one of two that lives in Prospect Park in Brooklyn. (I wonder if he'll turn brown when warm weather returns.) My friend who lives in Brooklyn also has black squirrels so I was going to add a picture of a black squirrel (exciting right?!) when I saw this map instead. My question is... where on earth did they learn to spell? (As you know, my spelling is not always the best, but really, skwerl?!) I tried to blame the spelling on our neighbors to the north, but that spelling doesn't seem to be listed in any Canadian dictionary I could find.

Then today I got a picture from a friend in Florida of one of their resident "snow bird" squirrels. Sometimes you make writing this blog VERY easy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For you trivia buffs, the white squirrel capital is Olney, Illinoiss